Brain Pills That Work

brain enhancer Let me start by making this as clear as I are able to, you are able to increase your intelligence then there is research to prove it.

For quite a long time the prevailing view is that boosting your intelligence was impossible. It was thought that your IQ plus a most mental capabilities was largely driven by genetic factors, and though it could be affected by a stimulating environment while being raised, when you reached adulthood it turned out locked into place, merely to gradually decline as we grow old.

Neuroscience research from your last two decades has now shown that is not the case. What these scientists can see is that as their pharmicudical counterpart can grow new cells and reconfigure itself while confronting new challenges, known as neuroplasticity.

Below are some of the proven techniques to increase IQ:

Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation

Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (often abbreviated as tDCS) will be based upon the idea that you are able to stimulate specific areas inside the brain by passing a little electric current through the area using non-invasive electrically conducting pads positioned on the scalp. Crucially you will find robust safety protocols which show the practice is entirely safe.

The technique was created to help patients who had experienced a stroke, brain injury or lived with learning difficulties. More recent research in healthy adults have established the technique could also be used to enhance cognitive performance.

By directing the present to specific areas of the brain, participants had the ability to gain improvements within a diverse array of areas including; maths ability, problem solving, languages, attention/focus, coordination and memory.


In case you’ve not heard of them before Nootropics are any drugs, supplements or regular foods that improve mental functioning. Now to as be as elementary as Omega-3 rich oily fish like Salmon, or those student food favourites like Walnuts and Blueberries which can be full of essential brain beneficial vitamins. And if you’re aiming to give your body the fundamental building blocks it takes for neurogenesis (growing new minds and neural connections) they are a must have.

However you will find several pharmaceutical products available that may also increase mental functioning, either by improving synaptic plasticity or by helping the production of key neurotransmitters including norepinephrine and acetylcholine.

It may be worth remembering that any pharmacologically active drug may have unwanted side effects. If you are considering using these to improve your IQ you must discuss this which has a doctor first.

There is definitely a comprehensive number of nootropic drugs entirely on the ‘Nootropics’ Wikipedia page so I won’t bother repeating it here.

Cognitive Training Exercises

When many people think of increasing our IQ, simple ‘brain training’ style exercises you’ll be able to do in your house is probably that which you have in mind. Many companies have promoted various brain training software, but also in the vast majority of cases these games are not effective at increasing IQ, only at improving your ability to play that specific game.

Fortunately you will find several well researched exercises that have been shown to give real, lasting, transferrable increasing in working memory, fluid intelligence and IQ scores.

The Dual N-Back workouts are one such technique. In a 2008 study by Jaeggi et al for the University of Michigan titled Improving fluid intelligence with training on working memory, the Dual N-back exercise was proven to give ‘dose dependent’ improvements in fluid intelligence. Dose dependent simply means the more the participants used the manner the bigger improvements they got.

In a nut shell some of the ways the N-back exercise works. You are presented which has a series of letters one after another, and must identify when the existing letter is similar to one that had been already presented some number of items ago inside the series. This number may be the ‘N’ in N-back So let’s say you were assigned this series below, and were hoping to find matches that have been 2-back:


The second time you saw the letter S you’d say it appeared two steps ago (2-back).

The Dual N-back creates exactly the same principle only it really is slightly more challenging. This time as opposed to only one series to help keep track of you might have two. First the number of letters as above, as well as a the same time some spatial locations using a 3×3 grid.

If you manage and keep track of both series no less than 80% of that time period the exercise increases ‘N’ by one, therefore you go to the 3-back level. If you don’t score at the least 40% then ‘N’ reduces by one. By continually chaning to your performance the overall game keeps you working in the edge of what you can do, ensuring mental performance gets a good workout.

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